In case you have been living in your own bubble for the past few years, here are some facts that you ABSOLUTELY need to know about how clothes affect the astronomical object you are on; Earth! 🌎💖
1. The fashion industry is the 2nd largest consumer of water in the world. More than a half-trillion gallons of fresh water are used in the dyeing of textiles each year.

A newborn child will literally be a full-grown adult with a family ready to retire and the clothes in the landfill would still be around 😱
3. Over 90 million items of clothing end up in landfill sites globally each year.
4. 150 grams of pesticides and other agricultural chemicals are used to produce the cotton for just one t-shirt.
Could have killed tons of cockroaches with that amount of pesticide but people still choose that one t-shirt!!!

5. Out of the 205,800 tonnes of textile/ leather waste that was disposed of in 2018 in Singapore, only a mere 14,000 was recycled, which is only 6% of what was actually disposed of.
That's................. 6 out of 100....................... literally 94% of trash is contributing to the landfill..................... 😖😱
6. Clothing consumption produces 1.5 tonnes of CO2 per household per year, the equivalent of driving 6000 cars.
Yes, its actually horrifying. 😖
Out of all the waste that we produce, 95% of textile waste can actually be reused and recycled. It is only a matter of whether you are willing to give your clothes a second chance and let people shop from your closet, instead of throwing your clothes and contributing to the overflowing landfills.
However, you can make a difference (yay!) just by extending the life of clothing by further 9 months, which would reduce carbon, waste and water footprints by about 20-30% each year.
Then again, one in five millennials have thrown away clothing because they are bored of wearing it, so how is it even possible to expect them to wear their clothes for a further 9 months?
You can play a part in saving the environment just by selling or even buying at REFASH. This way, you can shop from a wardrobe beyond yours, and get a bang for your buck at the same time!
Here at REFASH, we connect women’s closets and reduce clothing wastage in Singapore.
Sign up here to start selling with REFASH today!